Being an empathic mom with a big heart I always placed everyone else's needs before my own and because of that I losed my sense of connection with myself
I lost sight on how to fully physically express myself
My go to was drinking wine to let loose and dance
Once I gave up drinking I felt a big disconnect with my body
I missed the nights I would drink to numb my emotions and allow my body to move and
because of this I knew I had to find a new way to rebuild my relationship, my connection with my body again
I started with expressing to my body positive affirmations and showing deep gratitude in taking this journey with me helping to support me every step of the way
One day I began to just put on music setting the intention to connect with my womb, heart and body through dance
Everytime I danced I would drop deeper into my body, letting go of anything that is holding me back from being unapologetically ME
and then something magical happened
I was able to unlock a deeper rememberance
I was able to fully tap into my divine feminine expression
I have experienced bigger shifts of healing and self expression than ever before
I invite you to do this for yourself
Set the intention, put on some music, pause your mind and let your body guide you
Let your body show you how it truly wants to express itself!
As an embodiment guide, I hold sacred space for you to awaken and channel the healing energy from the deepest realms of your being. With intention, we invoke sacred emotions to move through you, flowing with intuitive movement, supported and guided by both our spiritual teams. This energy moves with fluid grace, dancing through the ether, weaving light and transformation into every corner of your being. Together, we co-create healing in the divine flow of Love, honoring your journey toward wholeness and alignment.

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